Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Number ?

     So it's been a little while, what with school and other stuff, but I'm still here! During the few weeks I didn't post, I started about 3 more stories. It's gotten to a point where I don't really care which story I'm working on, so I just use a random number generator to choose a story for me. I figured I also use it to choose a story that I want to post here. And the number is...*drumroll*...number 16! I haven't worked on this one since last September. It's not that long so far.

     One day, when I was four, I was sitting on my father's lap and he was bouncing me on his knee. He was smiling, I was laughing, until I saw something glimmer ing his mouth. I stopped laughing and put my hands down. My father stopped bouncing his leg and asked me, "What's wrong, sweety?" 
     I slowly reached my hand up to his mouth and touched the elongated sharp teeth on either side of my father's top jaw. I though that the teeth would cut my finger, they looked so sharp, but they didn't. I reached down to my own mouth and felt two slightly smaller, but equally sharp fangs of my own.
     I looked up at my father, who had an I-guess-it's-that-time look on his face.

    Yeah, it's about vampires. I can't help it, I love them, even if Twilight did ruin them. -.- So tell me what you think of it, and things that I should include in the story.

Write on, people

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