Friday, January 6, 2012

Intro To Me

Hello. My name is Juca Nacht, and this is my blog. I'm almost 18, and I love to write. Currently, I have started about 22 different stories, and I am definitely not done. There has only been one story that I have completely finished writing, and that is a short story I wrote when I was in 8th grade. I really like that one, but it is absolutely not in it's best shape, considering I wrote it when I was 13, although I am fairly proud of it.
I know that very few people will every see my blog, only because none of my friends know that I have it. I just wanted to start it merely as someplace where my writing is out there in the world for other people to read.
Mainly what I am going to post are my stories. I might decide to post a whole one in parts, but it will most likely be sections that I've just written that I might need advice on. Also, I'll be posting advice on my own, or something I've learned while writing. That's all.

Write on, people, write on

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