Saturday, January 7, 2012

Help, Please

Okay, so I need help on this one. This is the beginning of a story that I started writing, and I don't know where it's going.

“Interface, you there?”
“Yes Maggie, what can I do for you?”
Maggie was sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall of her pod room, on her father’s airship, the Corruption. She had been sent to her room without any supper after she and her father had argued over when Maggie was able to leave the ship. She wanted to be able to wander the streets when they landed in Paris the next day. Her father said that she would get carried away and would probably end up arrested. That happened a lot to Maggie. She was always getting into trouble, trying to observe everything in museums, art galleries, and historical buildings.
One time, Maggie had been touring the Taj Mahal with her father. She wanted to see what was happening in a room that was being restored. She left the group and waited until the tours closed. Unfortunately, a guard found her before she'd had a chance to see what was going on. Long story short, there had been a lot of commotion about her being a spy, and her father had been quite upset with her. Now, she wasn't allowed of the airship unless accompanied by a heavy guard.
She was just a very curious girl.

In the next line, the Maggie was going to ask the interface a question, but I don't know what the question is. The voices of the characters inside my head have gone silent, and I can't persuade them to open up. That's the worst part of writing, when it's quiet in Idea World.
If anybody is reading this: Hi, hello, how are you today? If you have any advice for me, don't be shy. Leave a comment if you have any ideas, because I've been draw blank card after blank card, and I don't know what to do.

Write on, peeps

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